释义 |
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Bill of Lading must be dated not before the date of this credit and no later than July.17, 2004. 提单日期不得早于本信用证开具日期,但不得迟于2004年7月17日。 - 2
Certifying that goods are in good condition, and stating date, value, quantity of goods and dated not later than Sept. 10, 1998. 证明货物是在好的情况,和说日期,价值,货物的量而且约会不比族更迟。 - 3
Two French sites previously yielded skull containers presumed to date to between 15,000 and 12,000 years ago, but those finds have not been directly dated. 之前在法国两处地点发现了头盖骨容器,其年代大约在15000到12000年前,不过那两次发现并不能直接确定年代。