在波塔当(Portadown)出生的斯迈利虽然熬过了纽卡斯尔青训营的艰苦训练,但是仅仅为喜鹊军团亮相三次之后,他就去斯托克波特郡(Stockport County)和...
最成功的非贝尔法斯特球队是 波达丹(Portadown),共4次获得冠军。
波特丹(Portadown) V 巴利米纳 - 北爱尔兰 亚伯丁 vs 圣庄士东 - 苏格兰
波达丹 ; 波塔当 ; 普塔道恩
The Portadown District comprises 32 separate Orange lodges with a membership of about 1, 400.
BBC: Drumcree: The leaked plan
Up to 114 jobs are being created at two companies in Dungannon and Portadown.
BBC: Arlene Foster and Damian McArdle
The Blues saw off challenges from Glentoran, Portadown and Derry City to land the highly-rated midfielder.
BBC: Jeffrey silence on Downey future