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The exact shape of the curve is subject to discussion, but the point of diminishing marginal utility is that, as you get more and more money, the increment in utility for each extra dollar diminishes. 这条曲线的确切形状还有待讨论,但是边际效用递减规律的重点在于,你得到的钱越多,每额外的一美元的增长效用会相对减小 - 2
In 1738, Daniel, trying to solve a problem in probability theory and the theory of gambling by use of the calculus, stumbled on the concept of the law of diminishing marginal utility of money. 在1738年,丹尼尔试图用微积分来解决一个概率论和赌博理论里的问题,无意间却发现了货币的边际效用递减法则的概念。 - 3
This, I think you've gotten from other economics courses — we have something called diminishing marginal utility. 我认为你们已经从其它的经济学课程中学过了,称为边际收益递减。