... 在滴答声中溜走 tick away 长叹一声;疲乏 with a sigh 因..而声名狼籍 be notorious for ...
2018年英语六级考试词汇及例句:N类 ... n. 餐巾(纸) be notorious for 以…而臭名远扬 be notorious as 以…身份而臭名远扬 ...
College happens to benotoriousfor being very challenging however; that doesn't mean you should run from it.
Mr Mahato’s younger brother also happens to be a notorious guerrilla, wanted for the attempted assassination of West Bengal’s chief minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, in Midnapur last November.
Programmers and administrators are notoriousfor allowing themselves to be coerced into rushing work that would be better left for normal business hours and the relative calm of your own workplace.