释义 |
- 分配系数:在两个不同相(如水相和有机相)中,溶质在两相间的浓度比值。通常用于描述化合物在两相间的分布情况。
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化学 分配系数 The results showed that NFM had excellent extraction capabilities. The values of distribution coefficient, separation factor and selectivity for benzene in these systems are 0.99, 12.4 and 5.2 respectively; and 0.85, 9.6 and 3.4 are also obtained for toluene. 结果表明NFM对芳烃具有良好的抽提性能,苯的分配系数、分离因子和选择性分别高达0.99,12.4和5.2;对于甲苯,也能达到0.85,9.6和3.4。 分凝系数 分布系数
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农业科学 分配系数 The result indicated that the distribution coefficient of phosphorus in solid and liquid phase has correlation with Ca2-P and Active organic phosphorus. 结果表明,农田生态系统磷素固液相分配系数与钙二磷和活性有机磷具有一定的相关性。
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经济学 分布系数 The calculation indicates that, the top 500 distribution coefficient of China is 0.58, which is far higher than the acceptable national income distribution coefficient, but lower than the top 500 corporation distribution coefficient of the USA, 0.65. 计算表明,我国500强企业的地区分布系数为0.58,远远高于可接受国民收入分布系数,但也低于美国500强企业的地区分布系数0.65。 文章分析了中美500强企业分布系数均远远高于可接受国民收入分布系数的原因和中国企业分布系数低于美国企业分布系数的原因。
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医药科学 分布系数 But all of them were d-isomers. The solubility in water to some extent boosted; their lipoids/water distribution coefficient increased, and pKa had some change. 其中,衍生物熔点有所降低,旋光度值相对于葛根素有所增大,但都为右旋体,水中溶解度有所提高,脂/水分布系数增大,pKa值有一定的变化。
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