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1 ?谐理论学派 5.1 和谐理论学派(consensus theory) 5.1.1 代表人物 2 ?一致理论 ...推导 [14] , 得到了与文献[13] 类似的结果;为改进最大匹配度原则在充分利用各 规则信息上的不足, 一致理论(Consensus Theory) 也被用于模式分类的推理 [15, 16] . 3 ?谐理论 教育社会学的理论基础一,和谐理论(CONSENSUS THEORY)基本特征1.结构与功能:社会是由许多部门所.
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Based on consensus theory of truth, Habermas' s meaning explanation theory can be called consensus theory of meaning. 本文以哈贝马斯普遍语用学理论批判传统意义理论,进而提出共识意义观。 - 2
On the basis of consensus theory, the source reliability was reflected by the weight of credibility, and multisource information was fused properly by consensus rules. 以一致理论为理论基础,在算法中用可信度权值体现信源的可靠性,根据相应一致规则实现了信源信息的合理使用。 - 3
The pathogenetic mechanisms of IBS is complicated, now lack of a consensus theory to explain the pathophysiology of IBS and not a single medicine can release all the symptoms of IBS. 肠易激综合征(IBS)发病机制复杂,目前没有统一的理论能解释IBS的发病,也没有单一的药物能缓解IBS的所有症状。