释义 |
- 糟糕的混合物:指某物或某事物的混乱、杂乱无章或糟糕的状态。
- 1
The children get up for breakfast and we follow our usual routine: let the dogs out, eat cereal, dress, make packed lunches. 孩子们早上起来吃早饭,然后按照日程去做:放狗出去,喝麦片粥,穿衣服,做中午的便当。 - 2
On Tuesdays they eat breakfast with the pandas and the frogs, and eat dinner in the evening with chimps, and cats, and dogs. 星期二,他们和熊猫、青蛙一起吃早餐,晚上和黑猩猩、猫儿、狗儿一起吃晚餐。 - 3
These are the incredible dogs who have learned to cook breakfast, ride a motor scooter and even play on the swings at the park. 他们是令人啧啧称奇的狗狗,会做早餐,骑摩托车,还会在公园玩荡秋千。