释义 |
1 ?新月海滩 ...素里新月海滩(CRESCENT BEACH):这里是尽情放飞风筝和投掷飞盘的好地方,当然游泳爱好者还可在这宁静的海上畅游。 你可以沿着海岸在长长的海滩上漫步。 2 [地理]?新月形海滩 crescent beach 克雷森特比奇; 新月形海滩... 3 ?半月湾 卑诗省素里市皇家骑警星期叁在半月湾(Crescent Beach)一幢房屋查案时,开枪轰毙屋内一个男子。有消息称,事件疑涉感情纠纷,相信是死者首先开枪,警员还火当场把他击毙。 4 ?新月滩 纳苏郡卫生局说,卫生人员在谷湾 (Glen Cove)的新月滩 (Crescent Beach),经常发现可导致胃肠型疾病的高密度有机体。
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This really is a hideaway, built on a crescent of white sand framed by steep, jungle-covered mountains, its combination of stylish beach, hill and water villas reached only by boat. 这实在是个休闲的去处,就建在被丛林覆盖的陡峭山体塑造成月牙形的沙滩之上。 这里混合了充满格调的沙滩、群山和只有船只才能到达的水上别墅。 - 2
Almost a quarter of a mile long, this crescent-shaped beach is an ideal spot for surfing, snorkeling and sunbathing. 长约数里,这个新月形的沙滩是游客进行潜泳、冲浪和日光浴的理想场所。 - 3
Siesta's crescent-shaped beach boasts some of the finest, whitest sand in the world and has clear, warm waters that are perfect for swimming, Leatherman said. 莱瑟曼博士说,午后的沙滩的海岸形似月牙,拥有世界上最美丽的,洁白无瑕的沙子,以及最适宜游泳的清澈温暖的海水。