...(硬盘复位失败) Fatal Error Bad Hard Disk (硬盘致命错误) No Hard Disk Installed (没有安装硬盘) Device error(驱动器错误) 常见“硬盘丢失”故障包括大致包括“CMOS硬盘参数丢失”、“BIOS不识硬盘”和“自检查硬盘失败”三类。以下分别讨论处理方法。
... (5) 连接硬盘指示灯接头H.D.D LED。 开机后屏幕显示:Device error 或者显示:Non-System disk or disk error,Replace and strike any key when ready ...
The invention relates to a management system and the method for the image display deviceerror state to prevent the device been stolen.
A performance detection module detects a storage deviceerror that exceeds the modified predictive failure threshold as a storage device predictive failure.