释义 |
- n.军事审判;军事法庭(court-martial 的复数)
1 ?临时军事法庭 ... 9Militaryjustice军事司法 Courts-martial临时军事法庭 Generalcourt-martlal一般临时军事法庭 ... 2 ?法庭 【正文快照】: 美军军事法庭,又称军事审判法庭(courts-martial),是由武装力量中的一名或者一名以上适当人员组成的军事法庭,具体人数依据法庭的种类决定,其职能是判决受军法管辖人员是否违反《美... 3 ?军事法庭 ...hief(总编辑), passers-by(过路人), attorney general---attorneys general(检察长), court-martial---courts-martial(军事法庭), man-of-war---men-of-war(军舰), mother-in-law---mothers-in-law(岳母,但一般皆用 in-laws,如Our in-laws are staying with ... 4 ?暂时军事法庭 ... 9 Militaryjustice军事司法 Courts-martial暂时军事法庭 General court-martlal普通暂时军事法庭 ...
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The hearing was held to determine whether there was enough evidence to proceed to courts-martial. 听证会举行的目的是确定是否有足够的证据将此案件提交军事法庭审理。 - 2
Both sides did it, frequently, but no courts-martial were ever convened for men charged with shooting prisoners. 两边都经常这么干,但是并无召集军事法庭因为射击战俘而调查某人。 - 3
The president’s only serious challenger, Mr Fonseka, is in detention facing two courts-martial, which made campaigning difficult. 而拉贾帕克萨唯一的强劲对手丰塞卡已经被拘禁,面临着军事法庭的两项指控,再想参与竞选已是举步维艰。