释义 |
驴皮明胶 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The main ingredients include white peony root, ass-hide gelatin, schisandra, ophiopogon root, wolfberry fruit and other eight kinds of Chinese medicinal materials. 其主要成分为炒白芍、阿胶、五味子、麦冬、 火麻仁、枸杞子、蝉蜕、全蝎、生地黄、龟板、生牡蛎、生鳖甲、鸡子黄。 - 2
The main ingredients include Dangshen, astragalus root, white atractylodes rhizome, ass-hide gelatin, schizonepeta charcoal and other six kinds of Chinese medicinal materials. 其主要成分为党参、生黄芪、白术、阿胶、荆芥炭、 枳壳、升麻炭、炙甘草、柴胡、海螵蛸、仙鹤草。 - 3
The main ingredients include ass-hide gelatin, angelica, angelica, white peony root, dogwood and other ten kinds of Chinese medicinal materials. 其主要成分为阿胶、当归、白芍、 怀山药、山茱萸、巴戟天、枸杞子、杜仲、女贞子、菟丝子、制首乌、桑寄生、石 斛、山萸肉、炙甘草。