释义 |
- 亚瑟·施莱辛格:美国历史学家、政治家、社会评论家和作家,曾担任肯尼迪总统的特别助理和历史顾问。
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In the 1950s, that golden age, Arthur Schlesinger Jr wrote "the Decline of Greatness", lamenting the departure of great men and the nation's descent into bland conformity. 在20世纪50年代这一黄金时代,小亚瑟?施莱辛格就曾写到“伟大的衰落”一文,为伟人的离去和美国失去自身特色感到惋惜。 - 2
He was a mindless activist, a war lover, who found macho relish in danger and felt driven to prove manhood by confrontation Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. 他是个没有头脑的活跃分子,一个战争狂,在险境中寻到了充分显示男子汉气概的机会并急切地希望通过直接对抗证明自己是男子汉(孝瑟m。施莱辛格)。 - 3
A large praetorian bureaucracy, filled with ambitious, possessive. and often sycophantic people, makes work and makes trouble Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. 充满了野心勃勃、贪得无厌…且常阿谀奉承之人的庞大的贪赃枉法的官僚机构,能进行工作,也能带来麻烦(孝瑟m。施莱辛格)。