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剪切速率减薄 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The results show that HDPE/MMT nano-composite and HDPE belong to pseudoplastic fluid and present, shear thinning behaviors within the range of shear stress, shear rate and temperature. 在所研究的剪切应力、剪切速率及温度范围内,两者均属于假塑性流体,呈现剪切变稀行为。 - 2
As the non-newtonian shear rate increasing, the melt viscosity of the PA6 and their blends were decreased, and behave shear thinning, show the Pseudo-plastic fluid features. 随着非牛顿剪切速率的增加,PA 6及其共混物的熔体粘度明显下降,表现出剪切变稀现象,呈现假塑性流体的流动特征。 - 3
As the non-newtonian shear rate increasing, the melt viscosity of the PP and their blends were decreased, and behave shear thinning, show the Pseudo-plastic fluid features. 随着非牛顿剪切速率的增加,PP及其共混物的熔体粘度明显下降,表现出剪切变稀现象,呈现假塑性流体的流动特征。