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commutation 英/ ?k?mju?te??n / 美/ ?kɑ?mju?te??n / 1 [电]?换向 ...观(Overall Situation)或者让人比力从容应对,不会转瞬被击溃,况且四处都有些机缘;即使拘束成真,那么肯定有某些换向(Commutation),而那个换向出乎你前方的八大胜是什么平台以外 2 ?换流 换流(Commutation) :负半周 α 角处,VT2,3 触通(负半周,由于 VT1,4 导通及 ua < ub , 使 VT2,3 均正偏) ,共阴极端由 ua 跃变为 ub ,使 VT1... 3 [电]?整流 ...文章详细信息 关键词: 整流;;滤波;;频率;;C~3LED(Capacitive Current Control LED) [gap=390]Keywords: commutation;filter;frequency; C~3LED(Capacitive Current Control LED) ... 4 [法]?减刑 减刑(Commutation)是对于被判处管制、拘役、有期徒刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,在执行期间确有悔改或者立功表现的,适当减轻其原判刑罚的制度。
- 1
The prisoner obtained a commutation of his sentence from death to life imprisonment. - 2
Each period of DC excitation and forced commutation drives is set with an external capacitor. - 3
Single person sofa is having more expressional commutation Spaces, also allow the memory of next more feeling. 单人沙发有着更多的表情变换空间,也容下更多喜怒哀乐的记忆。