释义 |
- 投保抵抗死亡:购买一种保险,以确保在投保人死亡时,其家庭成员或受益人能够获得一定的经济补偿。
1 ?保寿险 ... insurant, the insured 被保险人,受保人 insure against death 保寿险 insurant n. 被保险人,受保人。 ... 2
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While many people insure against death, far fewer take precautions against long-term loss of income because of sickness. 虽然许多人买人寿险,但很少有人采取预防措施以避免因疾病而造成的长期收入损失。 - 2
That is, the insurance policy doesn't just insure you against death, it also builds value over the years. 也就是说,保单不仅仅,补偿死亡带来的损失,它们还会逐年增值 - 3
Every father should insure himself against premature death or prolonged illness for the sake of his wife and children. 为了妻子和孩子,每位父亲应该为自己英年早逝或久病不愈保险。