释义 |
- 破产:指一个人或公司无法按时支付到期债务,财务状况恶化至无法继续经营。
1 ?按照法律正式宣布无力偿还债务 ...abby] 破坏损害;残破;破败 [go bankrupt;go into bankruptcy;become bawkrupt;become insolvent] 按照法律正式宣布无力偿还债务,由司法部门接收其财产以分给债权人 [bankruptcy;insolvence] 是这种情况的性质或状态,或其一事例 .. 2 ?丧失全部财产 (丧失全部财产) go bankrupt; go broke; become insolvent; become impoverished: (失败) go bankruptcy; fall through; ruin; be wrecked; come to naught: 破产财产管理人 receiver; . 3 ?由司法部门接收其财产以分给债权人 ...upt;go into bankruptcy;become bawkrupt;become insolvent]∶按照法律正式宣布无力偿还债务,由司法部门接收其财产以分给债权人 [bankruptcy;insolvence]∶是这种情况的性质或状态,或其一事例
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When liquidity vanishes, Banks quickly become insolvent. - 2
Its Banks will become vulnerable, as their depositors and lenders conclude that they and the Italian state are likely to become insolvent. 其银行将不堪一击,正如储蓄者及借贷者所断定的,他们和意大利可能会破产。 - 3
Bank run is type of financial crisis, it occurs when large number of depositors withdraw their money at the same time fearing the bank might become insolvent. 银行挤兑是金融危机的类型,它发生在在大量存款和他们的钱被收回同时担心该银行可能破产的时候。