释义 |
- abbr.通用桌面环境(Common Desktop Environment);彩色多普勒能量(Color Doppler Energy)
1 ?可擦光盘 ... DPE 系体育教育专业(原办公室的体育教育;我们的军事学院) CD-E 可擦光盘 OOB 不卧床,起床 ... 2 ?可擦可录CD ... CD-audio 音乐CD,CD唱盘 CD-e 可擦可录CD CPU time 中心处理器时间 ...
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Even if e-books are becoming more popular and hundreds of books can fit easily on a CD, nothing compares to reading a good book in a library. 即便电子书越来越流行,一张CD不费吹灰之力就能容纳数百本书,但什么都比不上在书房阅读一本好书带劲。 - 2
By definition, there is no such thing as a "first edition" e-book or an MP3 CD with a limited printing, since digital items can be duplicated an infinite number of times. 根据定义是没有第一版电子书或者限量版的MP 3, CD这么一说的。因为数码产品是可以无限制复制的。 - 3
Rather than consigning an old computer to the e-waste scrap heap, give it a new, inexpensive hard disk—or just boot from a CD or a USB flash drive (UFD)—and re-purpose the computer as a thin client. 不必将旧的计算机扔到到电子污染废品站,而是为它提供全新的、便宜的硬盘 — 或从 CD 或 USB flash 驱动(UFD)启动 — 并将计算机重新配置为瘦客户机。