释义 |
1 ?芯片 公司数字电视SOC芯片(C-Core)项目是属于国家重大科技专向核高基项目,在20 关键字: 同方 数字电视 SOC
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The visible part of the sun is roughly 10, 000 degrees F (5, 500 degrees C), while temperatures in the core reach more than 27 million degrees F (15 million degrees C), driven by nuclear reactions. 太阳的可见部分温度约1万华氏度(5500摄氏度),由核反应驱动的核心温度超过2700万华氏度(1500万摄氏度)。 - 2
To debug with a core file, you need the program executable and source files, as well as the core file. To start GDB with a core file, use the -c option. 要用核心文件进行调试,您不仅需要程序的可执行文件和源文件,还需要核心文件本身。 - 3
However, PHP itself is written in c, and memory problems deep in PHP's core surface occasionally. 然而,PHP本身也是使用c语言编写的,有时记忆问题深至PHP的核面。