释义 |
1 ?自动切换 内置自动切换(Auto Shift)功能:当源压变动时,可保持稳定输出 内置保持功能 2 ?汽车换挡 汽车换挡 ? Auto shift 我即将毕业于园艺专业 ? I am about to graduate from horticulture .. 3 ?自动移位 ... 自动屏幕消除 auto screen blank 自动移位 auto shift 自动跳越选项 auto skip option ...
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Based on the traditional MT, AMT is an auto shift gears system just for the driver's purpose, which integrates modern computer and all kinds of control technology. AMT在传统手动变速器的基础上融合了现在计算机技术和各种控制理论,基于驾驶员意图实现自动换档的自动变速系统。 - 2
Perhaps they will be able to make this shift, but it is far more likely that Honda, Kia, Toyota, and other foreign auto manufacturers that have been making small cars for decades will eat their lunch. 可能它们会做这一改变,但更可能的是,像本田、起亚、丰田和其他一些生产了几十年小汽车的外国汽车生产商会吃了他们的市场份额。 - 3
A gifted auto mechanic, Talbot was driving home in his yellow '76 Honda CVCC Civic around 11 p.m. on Interstate 25 just north of Denver, Colorado, after a 14-hour shift. 作为一个天才汽车技师,晚上11点托尔伯特正开着他黄色的' 76本田CVCC思域行驶在路上。在刚刚经历了14小时的轮班后,就行驶在科罗拉多州丹佛北边的25号洲际公路上。