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基准线 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The base package including point class, line class, area class, volume class, complex object class and relation class, is the base of the application package and the combination package. 其中基础类包是应用类包和组合类包的基础,它用点、线、面、体、复杂对象和关系类等基本的要素表示三维空间。 - 2
On the base of analyzing the character and structure of the point, line, area symbols, a data structure of map symbol base which serves the symbolized output in digital mapping is put forward. 论述了在数字制图环境下地图输出的特点,在分析了地图上点、线、面符号特征和构造原理的基础上,提出了一种用于数字地图符号化输出的地图符号库数据结构。 - 3
By via of the base point of filling up water in reservoir at the end of flood season, a pre-schedule line to typical hydro-graph and original water level target can be obtained. 该调度图方法以汛末蓄满水库为基本出发点,确定典型来水过程的预调度线和初始目标(控制)水位线;