释义 |
1 ?比较信息 比较财务报表 Comparative financial statements 比较信息 Comparative information 被审计单位的互补性控制 Compensating controls of entity under audit .. 2 ?比较资料 ...when i left the room,the light was still on ? 当我离开了房间,鉴于仍在 Comparative Information ? 比较资料 I feel that our team adds value to the business units we work with ? 我认为,我们的团队增加价值,我们工作的业务单位与 ..
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Through a wealth of comparative information and good search facilities, to provide information and component safety, health comments to customers. 透过丰富的比较资料及良好的搜索设备,提供信息和构件安全、健康的评论给顾客。 - 2
CGA's Pamphlet O2-DIR, "Directory of cleaning agents for oxygen Service," provides comparative information on cleaning agents used to clean oxygen equipment. CGA手册的O2 - DIR,“氧设施的清洁剂目录”,提供了有关用于清洁氧设备的清洁剂的有关信息。 - 3
However, he said, Chile already has a wealth of pictorial information from before the earthquake that can be used as comparative data in the assessment process. 不过他说,智利在地震前就收集了大量图像信息,在评估过程中可当作比较数据使用。