例如,能够构建帮助管理项目和重新使用 Domino 中的现有信息的组件、在图表中显示 高层汇总 ( executive summaries ),连同在项目期限快到时发送提醒邮件。
- 在请求顾问指导之前,必须在规定截止日之前上交行政摘要(executive summaries)。
As Mr Yusuf wistfully remarks, the slender first report won a worldwide readership but few people now read past the lengthy executive summaries.
ECONOMIST: A paean of faint praise to the World Development Report
If you are required to use such language, then you will develop executive summaries, which state in clear and simple terms, what is being said.
FORBES: Google, Obama & The Online User Manifesto