释义 |
1 ?关闭工厂 ... 关闭博奕||closed game 关闭工厂,关厂||close the plant; lockout 关闭公会,关闭运费同盟||closed conference ...
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Since a plant uses it up in the air around, the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface! 由于植物会将周围空气中的二氧化碳耗尽,因此需要空气流动将更多的二氧化碳带到其表面! - 2
The radiation emitted by nonvolatile materials still poses a big danger to workers or cleanup crews close to the plant, along with the released volatile elements such as cesium and iodine. 不易挥发物质释放的辐射,和逸出的铯、碘等易挥发元素一样,对接近核电站的工作人员或善后人员来说仍然是一个巨大的危险。 - 3
The state had not escaped the national downturn, they said; recently Mercury Marine, a motor manufacturer, had announced plans to close its plant in Stillwater with the loss of 450 jobs. 俄州人承认自己的家乡也没能逃过此次全国性的经济衰退。 最近,电动机制造商Mercury Marine 宣布计划关闭其在斯蒂尔沃特市的工厂,俄州将因此损失450个工作岗位。