释义 |
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The energy from these atmospheric waves, like the energy from a sound wave, propagates both horizontally and vertically. 这些大气波动携带的能量像声波那样在水平方向和垂直方向上进行传播。 - 2
As the air descends in to the low point of the atmospheric wave, it touches the ocean surface, causing rough waters, visible here as long, dark vertical lines. 在空气下降到大气波的低点时,与海洋的表面相接触,形成了像漫长、黑暗垂直线条那样,明显的惊涛骇浪。 - 3
As the air descends in to the low point of the atmospheric wave, it touches the ocean surface, causing rough waters, visible here as long, dark vertical lines. 在空气下降到大气波的低点时,与海洋的表面相接触,形成了像漫长、黑暗垂直线条那样,明显的惊涛骇浪。比较明亮区域显示的是大气波的波峰,因为在那里,水面是平静和有反光的。