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波,面 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
So instead, these would be canceling out wave functions between the two, so we would end up with a nodal plane down the center. 相反,两者之间的,波函数会相互抵消,所以我们在中间会得到一个节面。 - 2
So, the wave function at all of these points in this plane is equal to zero, so therefore, also the wave function squared is going to be equal to zero. 因此这里的,波函数平方也等于零,如果我们说在这整个平面上,任何地方找到一个p电子的概率都是零。 - 3
But in sigma orbitals, you have no nodal planes along the bond axis, so if we had a nodal plane here, we'd see an area where the wave function was equal to zero. 但在sigma轨道里,沿着轴向是没有节点平面的,如果我们有个节点,我们就会看到某个地方波函数等于0。