释义 |
- 鲸须:鲸鱼上颚悬垂的带有绒毛状板块,用于过滤浮游生物。也称为鲸须。
- 鲸骨:用鲸骨制成的物品。
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The word “osedax,” Latin for “bone-eating,” is an apt description of this whale-carcass dweller; 在拉丁语中意思是“吃骨头”,这个词用来形容这种栖息于鲸尸体的生物真是再贴切不过了; - 2
The word "osedax," Latin for "bone-eating," is an apt description of this whale-carcass dweller; osedax roseus, known as the zombie worm, inhabits and feeds on whale bones. “osedax”在拉丁语中意思是“吃骨头”,这个词用来形容这种栖息于鲸尸体的生物真是再贴切不过了;osedax roseus也叫僵尸蠕虫,栖息在鲸的骨头中并以此为食。 - 3
The word “osedax, ” Latin for “bone-eating, ” is an apt description of this whale-carcass dweller; Osedax roseus, known as the zombie worm, inhabits and feeds on whale bones. “osedax” 在拉丁语中意思是“吃骨头”,这个词用来形容这种栖息于鲸尸体的生物真是再贴切不过了;Osedax roseus也叫僵尸蠕虫,栖息在鲸的骨头中并以此为食。