释义 |
1 ?连续监护 国际贸易单证词汇(中英) ... 运单 waybill 通用(多用)运输单证 universal (multipurpose) tra ort document. 承运人货物收据 goods receipt, carriage ...
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monitoring and promoting health-sector progress towards achieving universal access to HIV services; 监测和促进卫生部门在实现普遍获得艾滋病毒服务方面的进展; - 2
They call for quality surveillance, monitoring, evaluation and research among this group of people, and the promotion of universal access to treatments and care. 他们呼吁对这一群体中实施质量监督,监测,评估和研究,并保证他们获得治疗和护理。 - 3
Embedded systems have been universal to the industrial control, traffic control, information appliance and environmental monitoring, and network is the future development trend of embedded systems. 嵌入式系统已经被广泛的应用于工业控制、交通管理、信息家电以及环境监测等各种领域,而网络化是嵌入式系统未来的发展趋势。