in IT词汇 - TT百科 V W X Y Z 全部 您是不是要找:in 终端服务器产品 微软windows 终端服务器(WTS,Windows Terminal Server)运行在windows NT4.0及更高版本中,允许用户仅仅利用一个终端来进行图形界面的windows
The potential for remote sites and users to utilize "thin client" technologies like Citrix, WindowsTerminalServer (WTS), or Web clients.
远程站点及用户使用“瘦客户端”的潜力,例如Citrix、Windows Terminal Server (WTS),或是网络客户端。
Later that day, when she had terminal emulation Windows opened against the application server and database server, the programmer looked down at the clock on the Windows taskbar.
Remote users can directly access an application hosted on WindowsServer 2008 through Terminal Services RemoteApp without having to open the entire system desktop in a Terminal Session.
远程用户可以通过Terminal Services RemoteApp直接访问运行在Windows Server 2008上的应用程序,而无需在终端会话中打开整个系统桌面。