释义 |
1 ?乌达德 2)乌达德(Woodard):1960年美国佐治亚州选育的早熟品种。果实中大、亮蓝色,扁圆形,果粉厚,果蒂痕大而干。 2 ?伍达德 伍达德(Woodard)等人先用铜铁试剂分离铀和钒,再以氯仿萃取钒的8-羟基喹啉络合物。应用二苯胺磺酸钠比色法测定钒,灵敏度较高,但 3 ?名字 ... 所属州: MA 名字: Woodard 姓: M ... 4 ?街道地址 ... 标签: K Wilson 地址说明: Rd 街道地址: Woodard ...
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Woodard agrees with Lee, citing such factors as the lack of mainstream media attention given to the sport. 伍德尔认同李的说法,同时列举了诸如主流媒体关注等因素。 - 2
Guy Woodard and Bakari Lee, classmates long ago at Florida A&M, spend a good deal of their discretionary income traveling to fights across the country. 盖。伍德尔和巴克利。李是多年前的佛罗里达A&M大学同学,他们花费了很多可支配的薪酬,穿梭于美国各地的职业拳击赛场。 - 3
I don't know if I'm a dying breed, "says Woodard, who is 38-years old and lives in Brooklyn, New York, but there's definitely not a huge interest in the black community." “不知道算不算濒临灭绝的物种,”现年38岁、家住纽约布鲁克林的伍德尔说道,不过,真的没有多少黑人喜爱拳击了。