释义 |
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At the Alexander Gallery, Sam Fogg comes from London with his "Art of the Middle Ages", including a long lost, 12th-century stained-glass panel from the Abbey at st Denis near Paris. 在亚历山大画廊,山姆?佛格从伦敦赶来,同时带来了他的“中世纪艺术”:一幅失传已久、又从巴黎附近的圣丹尼斯修道院复得的12世纪彩色玻璃屏画。 - 2
Ngog, meanwhile, had made only 22 appearances since joining from Paris st Germain in July last year and has looked wispy and fragile in top-flight action. 与此同时,从去年7月加盟巴黎圣日耳曼至今总共出场才22次的恩格戈,也在满场高手的环境里显得脆弱不堪。 - 3
Mr Mak's travels start in the capitals that glittered so brightly in the early 1900s: Paris, Berlin, Vienna, st Petersburg, London. 马克旅行的出发站皆为那些在20世纪初期光彩夺目的首都城市,如巴黎。柏林,维也纳,圣彼得堡和伦敦。