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1 ?上流社会的女人 ... 上流社会的妇女 society woman 上流社会的女人 woman of fashion 上流社会的琐闻 society gossip ...
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MARY delany-aristocrat, gardener, prodigious letter-writer, woman of fashion and friend to George Frideric Handel, Jonathan Swift and King George III, died childless more than 220 years ago. 玛丽·德拉尼,一名贵族,园艺师,写过大量信件,时尚的女人,乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔【注1】,乔纳森·斯威夫特【注2】和国王乔治三世的朋友,220多年前去世,没有子嗣。 - 2
But far from being the height of fashion, Mona Lisa's dress is utterly plain and timeless and, despite the fact that she is a married woman, she wears no jewellery, not even a wedding ring. 这幅画作里的蒙娜丽莎却没有显现出当时的潮流,她穿着的服装朴实无华,完全看不出来她是个已婚的女性,既没有佩戴珠宝也没有戴戒指。 - 3
The Oscar-winning actor is in talks to play Patrizia Reggiani, the woman jailed for ordering the 1995 killing of her ex-husband, fashion magnate Maurizio Gucci. 这位奥斯卡获奖演员正在洽谈扮演帕特里齐亚·蕾加妮(Patrizia Reggiani)-- 一名因在1995年指使他人杀害其前夫、时装巨头莫里吉奥·古奇(Maurizio Gucci)而被判入狱的女子。