释义 |
1 ?低水合物 ... lower house n. 下议院, 众议院 lower hydrate 低水合物 lower integral 低积分, 下积分 ...
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Studies suggest chocolate may also help hydrate the skin, lower blood pressure, and sharpen thinking. And then there's the fun factor. 研究表明,巧克力可帮您皮肤保持水份,降低血压,令您思维敏捷,并含有对抗焦虑的物质。 - 2
If the sediment underlying a hydrate entraps natural gas, its acoustic velocity will become much lower, resulting in vivid characteristics of reflections. 若水合物下方的沉积物捕集了天然气,其声速会更低,由此产生的反射波具有鲜明的特点。 - 3
The authors introduce the research results of identifying gas hydrate from sediments, bottom water and lower atmospheric layers. 综述了从沉积物、底水和低层大气三维空间进行天然气水合物地球化学识别方法的研究成果。