释义 |
1 ?狼孩 ...狼孩(wolf child),从小被狼攫取并由狼抚育起来的人类幼童。世界上已知的狼孩已有10多个,其中最有名的是印度发现的2个。 2 ?一直到狼孩 ...造,音色和 能都非常地超群,远远拉开与大批量生产的廉价效果器的区别中国过去也曾有人做过这些,但并不成功,一直到狼孩(Wolf child)问世,这个局 3 ?据信由狼或其他野兽哺育长大的孩子 [wolf child] 据信由狼或其他野兽哺育长大的孩子 [pathetic cries] 形容大声哭叫,声音凄惨 .. 4 ?狼子 ... 狼子 ? Wolf child 天天吃同样的食物,我们都吃腻了 ? Eat the same food every day, we are all tired of 壳春 ? Spring shell ...
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This theory thereafter became the most tenable answer in ' wolf child ' studies. 这一理论成为后来“狼孩”研究中最站得住脚的答案之一。 - 2
At this moment, the mind fragment got together yesterday night run away again, I became back to a Wolf child whose whole purpose was for surviving. 这时,昨夜里那些聚集拢来的精神碎片又四面迸散了,我又成了生活的全部目的都是为了活着的狼孩! - 3
Each day, the child played happily in his cot while Beddgelert guarded the door of the cottage, carefully watching for the wolf. 每天,当孩子在自己的婴儿床里开心地玩耍时,贝德格勒特便守着农舍的门,小心提防着那匹狼。