释义 |
- 视觉电生理学:一种研究视觉系统电生理活动的科学方法,通过记录视觉神经元的电信号来了解视觉信息的传递和处理机制。
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医药科学 视觉电生理学 Clinical visual electrophysiology consists of electroretinogram (ERG), electrooculography(EOG); visual evoked potiential(VEP). It is a common method to test eye's function in ophthalmology. its features are objective and uninjured. 临床视觉电生理学包括视网膜电图、眼电图、视觉诱发电位三个方面,是眼科视功能测试的常规手段,具有客观性、无创性和对病变从视网膜各层至视皮层进行分层定位等特点。 视电生理 Both groups were compared before and after treatment and compared between the two kinds of methods in respect of the vision,visual field and visual electrophysiology. 在视力、视野和视电生理方面进行治疗前后的比较及两组方法之间的比较。