他毕业于圣彼得堡音乐院(Saint Petersburg Conservatory),2003年接任国立威尔斯歌剧院(Welsh National Opera)的音乐总监一职,这也是他的第一个重要职位。
经典歌剧《魔笛》正由威尔士国家歌剧团(Welsh National Opera)倾情演出
... 北方歌剧团 opera north 宠物歌剧团 tamagotch no furifuri kagekidan 国家歌剧团 welsh national opera ...
年威尔士国家歌剧团 welsh national opera 剧团 theatrical company; opera troupe; troupe 芭蕾舞剧团 ballet troupe; 实验剧团 experimental theatre; 业余剧团 amate...
Welsh National Opera (WNO) sacked an oboist because his playing risked its world reputation, a tribunal has heard.
BBC: Murray Johnston
Academi and Welsh National Opera are looking for male and female boxers for the project in March and April 2009.
BBC: South East Wales - Boxing clever for writing project
Terfel said the centre would provide a magnificent home for all kinds of performances, not just the Welsh National Opera.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Terfel applauds 'stunning space'