释义 |
1 ?虫草 虫草(worm grass), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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Ten years' wine -wuliangye, mixed with Worm grass, made up Dadaohexie Wuliangye. - 2
At the nearby market, yartsa gunbu are cleaned, and their true nature becomes clear. The yartsa gunbu translates as "summer grass, winter worm". 在附近的集市上冬虫夏草被清理干净,这使得它的本来面目显露了出来,冬虫夏草被翻译为“冬天的虫子夏天的草”。 - 3
If there is a worm caught on the sidewalk, move it to the grass. Life your live in conscious awareness of all life around you, and seek to be an agent of positive change, on small and large levels. 如果在路旁边发现小虫子,把它放回草丛中,活在对生活在你周围的所有生命的觉知中,试图成为一个正面变化的原动力,无论是小的或者大的层面。