释义 |
- 眼中钉:指生活中的烦恼或困扰,源自保罗在《哥林多后书》12:7-9中使用该短语来形容自己的困扰。
1 ?肉中刺 肉中刺,外国典故,肉中刺(thorn in the flesh ) ,外国典故,励志格言,中华励志网...
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There is not one of his characters who does not have that thorn in the flesh, who does not aggravate it or seek a remedy for it in sensation or immortality.[24] 他笔下的人物没有一个不是肉中带着这根刺,不去刺激它,也没有一个人不是在情感和永生中寻求解决之法。 - 2
You have all these fixtures and you have the intrusion of a friendly international game in some unknown country, so that is a definite thorn in everyone's flesh. 费爵爷说,“你有日程满满的比赛要打,结果忽然被一场在不知道叫什么名字国家举行的热身赛所打乱,这根本就是所有人的眼中钉肉中刺。” - 3
"LUI Bo said," Tso ah, you as a thorn in the side of most of the flesh of my LUI Bo is not it? 吕布说,“曹公啊,你最视为眼中钉的肉中刺的不就是我吕布吗?”