释义 |
1 ?全身疲劳 ... 全身照射 full-body exposure 全身疲劳 whole body fatigue 全身病 a systemic disease ...
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In the clear and fresh, quietly elegant, comfortable wrapping, the whole body fatigue will slowly reduce with the light bamboo fragrance. 在清新、淡雅、舒适的包裹中,一身的疲倦随着淡淡的竹香慢慢减去。 - 2
Results: Most common symptoms of multiple myeloma consist of whole body ache, anemia, bleeding, the kidney dysfunction, fever, infection of lung and fatigue. 结果:多发性骨髓瘤最常见的临床表现有全身性疼痛、贫血、出血、肾功能损害、发热、肺部感染和全身乏力等。 - 3
In silence, I am on the rock, fear and fatigue make my whole body numb, unable to move. 在一片寂静中,我伏在岩石上,恐惧和疲乏使我全身麻木,不能动弹。