

单词 white hat hacker
white hat hacker
  • 简明释义
  • 白帽黑客
  • 网络释义
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    白帽黑客(white hat hacker): 白帽黑客的工作是测试网络和系统的性能,来判定它们能够承受入侵的强弱程度。

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    骇客(White Hat Hacker):Good 黑骇客(White Hat Hacker):Bad,Cracker

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    ... 赏金猎人 Bounty hunter 白帽黑客/道德黑客 White hat hacker 配音工作 Voice-over work ...

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    台东区域网路中心 骇客入侵手法大剖析 已经被分享了1631次 开始之前 骇客的种类 一、白帽骇客(White Hat Hacker): 白帽骇客有能力入侵电脑系统、破坏系统。不过他利用他的技能来协助组 织加强安全。

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    Teso isn't the first so-called "white hat" hacker to expose what appear to be holes in air-traffic security.

    CNN: Hacker says phone app could hijack plane

  • 2.

    He was just doing his job as a so-called white-hat hacker for AirTight Networks, a manufacturer of wireless intrusion protection hardware and software that was invented in India and brought to market in the U.S. AirTight's chief executive, David King, sends hackers out for unsolicited security assessments.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • 3.

    But those rules still offer a few important rights to fliers, as outlined in this helpful PDF created by a "white-hat" hacker, graduate student and security researcher who goes by the name "Sai" and has made a serious vocation of digging into TSA minutiae.

    FORBES: Security





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