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石头框架 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
If you think of them as a picture frame for changing plants and trees, you'll see why selecting the right kinds of materials for your pathways, patios, stone walls and decorations is vital. 如果你认为他们是改变植物和树木相框,您会看到您为什么选择途径,庭院,石墙和装饰材料的各种权利是至关重要的。 - 2
Original brick and stone masonry work frame the ancient building, which is adorned with old-world artifacts, artwork, and sculptures dating back to the building's original time period. 原有的砖和石砌石工作框架的古建筑,这是装饰与旧世界的文物,艺术品,和雕塑,可以追溯到建筑的原始时间。 - 3
For example, where glass meets stone walls, there is no metal frame; rather, the glass is caulked directly to the stone. 例如,石墙上用到玻璃的地方,没设金属框架,相当于玻璃直接与石块连接进行密封。