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变薄率 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?减薄率 ...多弯曲模;连续弯;减薄率;增厚率;自适应网格 [gap=1095]Key words: multi-bending die; continuous bending; thinning ratio; thickening rate; adaptive grid ... 2 ?左心室室壁变薄比 ...肥厚、心肌细胞代偿性肥大,降低左室重量指数、V(mt)和V(mc),减轻心梗后左室几何形态的改变,提高左心室室壁变薄比(thinning ratio,TR)。而左TCST则相反。 3 ?变薄率 主题:对照组 | 医源世界 厚度之和、左室直径、左室腔直径等,并计算出各组的膨胀指数(ex-pansion index,EI)、变薄率(thinning ratio,TR)、重构指数(re-modeling index,RI)和梗死面积,公式如下:EI=(左室腔面积/左室 4 ?提高左心室室壁变薄比 ...肥厚、心肌细胞代偿性肥大,降低左室重量指数、V(mt)和V(mc),减轻心梗后左室几何形态的改变,提高左心室室壁变薄比(thinning ratio,TR)。而左TCST则相反。
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The thinning ratio of the box-shaped products reduces with the increase of cushion time. - 2
It shows that pipe bending by using induction heating applied a counter torque can efficiently reduce the thinning ratio of pipe wall thickness. 计算结果表明:在转臂上施加一定的反向弯矩,能有效减小弯管的壁厚减薄率。 - 3
The charge-mass ratio can be measured expediently by multiple image averaging, fringe thinning and sample analyzing. 通过多图像平均,图像细化,取样分析,快速方便地测量计算了电子的荷质比。