...f f ? ,max c d f f + f c f 2v λ 2006-9-1 18/22 非自由空间中电磁波的多普勒扩展 时间选择性衰落(time selective fading),是指在无线信 道传输无线信号的带宽内,对无线通信接收机接收信 号复包络进行采样,如果存在任两个时刻采样信号的 相关系数小于0.
A time-varying disperse channel is a channel that contain both frequency selectivefading and timeselectivefading.
The frequency timeselectivefading resulted from multipath dispersion and Doppler frequency shift is an important characteristic of urban mobile radio channel.
The space-time channel estimation and multiuser detection algorithm for the uplink of multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) system in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel were investigated.