多式联运单证(通用) multimodal/comtrash caned transport document (generic) 直达提单 through bill of lading 全国外语翻译证书货运代理人运输证书 forwarder's certificate of transport ..
联运提单(THROUGH BILL OF LADING): 货物自起运地运抵目的地必须由一个以上运送人配合各种运送工具相续运送,而由 第一个运送人所签发包括全部运送过程的提单,即为联...
... this side up此端向上 through bill of lading联运提货单 tight money market银根紧的金融市场 ...
... through cargo manifest 过境货明细单 through bill of lading 联运提单;直达提单;全程提单 through air way bill 联运空运货单;空运直达提单 ...
Transshipment is allowed provided "ThroughBillofLading" are presented.
To be a lawful holder of a billoflading, it is expedient that the billoflading is got through complete valid endorsement with the intent to accept it in good faith.
This paper analyzes the risks that shipowners confront through three aspects including signing billoflading, delivery without original bill of lading and arresting of ships.