释义 |
1 ?舌头麻木的 ... Cantonese 广东的;广东菜 tongue-numbing 舌头麻木的 greasy 油腻的 ...
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What is the most tongue-numbing, sweat-inducing, sinus-clearing cooked dish you've ever tasted? 最让你舌头麻木、大汗淋漓、泪涕长流的菜品会是哪一道呢? - 2
She piled them all together for me, dashed on a combustible sauce and charged me 5,000 rupiah, a delicious, crunchy, tongue-numbing bargain. 她将所有这些东西堆成一盘,摆在我的面前,浇上一种可燃的酱料,然后收了我5,000卢比,真是一道香脆美味、令人舌头发麻的平民美食。 - 3
Sichuan hotpot creates a sensation on the tongue that is both spicy and burning and slightly numbing, almost like carbonated beverages. 四川火锅又麻又辣,吃在嘴里的感觉那是非常奇妙,居然有种喝碳酸饮料时麻麻酥酥的感觉!