一些著名魔术师,比如保罗·丹尼尔斯(Paul Daniels,于上月逝世)和汤米·库伯(Tommy Cooper),都用幽默来掩护对整个魔术表演起关键作用的小动作。
... 姓: Tommy 标签: Tommy Cooper 地址说明: Rd ...
The comic cites Rowan Atkinson, Tommy Cooper and Woody Allen as his influences.
BBC: Clown Doctor Brown wins Foster's Edinburgh Comedy Award
The collector's item stamps featuring caricatures of Les Dawson, Tommy Cooper, Eric Morecambe, Joyce Grenfell and Peter Cook go on sale on Thursday.
BBC: Comic genius is licked
Tommy Cooper is the great British example.
NEWYORKER: Dead Man Laughing