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经济学 政府角色 Based on the evolution of economic theory, market policy is as important as government intervention; the only difference lies in the role of government, the way and the range of its intervention. 从政府经济职能理论的历史演变中得出;市场机制与政府干预同样重要,只是存在市场与政府角色的主次、干预方式和干预程度的范围差异而已。 政府作用 Thus,the critical issue for playing the role of government is how to avoid "market failure" and at the same time prevent "government failure". 因此,如何弥补技术创新的“市场失灵”,同时又能防止“政府失灵”,是发挥政府作用的焦点。
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The government, which has stepped back from its traditional role as a regulator of work time should take steps to make shorter hours possible. 政府已经从其传统的工作时间调节器的角色上退休了,并应该采取措施,使更短的工作时间成为可能。 - 2
He said that manufacturers of crisps and candies could play a central role in the Change4life campaign, the centerpiece of government efforts to boost healthy eating and fitness. 他说,薯片和糖果制造商可以在“改变生命”运动中发挥核心作用,这是政府努力促进健康饮食和健身的核心。 - 3
She was given the title "role model of the times" by the central government.