...face),如对三层交换机,如 RG-S3760-24 (2)二层接口又分为以下二种类型: 第1章 交换机配置基础 13 ① 交换口(Switch Port),又分为 Access Port 和 Trunk Port 两种接口 ② 二层聚合口(L2 Aggregate Port) (3)三层接口又分为以下三种类型: ① 交换...
A down state would indicate a possible bad cable or network switchport.
如果Link state为down,那么就显示网线或网络交换机端口可能有问题。
MAC Address binding with the switchport is one function of switchport security management.
The first thing you should do is make sure all servers are locked down to the highest speed possible using full duplex and the switchport is set to match.