Toby Parkin是来自英国西南海岸康沃尔郡圣阿格尼丝(St Agnes)的一位企业家。他经营着一家名叫Headforwards的小公司,主要为商业客户开发软件。
旁边的壁画是圣女依搦斯(St Agnes)被斩首,和圣尼古拉(Si Nicholas)帮助三个贫穷女孩准备嫁妆的奇迹。
...arch Centre)资深院士,此后展开退休生活,他在2008年10月4日因病在睡梦中安详逝世,卒于英格兰康沃尔郡圣阿格尼斯(St Agnes),终年81岁。其遗体在10月15日于圣阿格尼斯教区教堂出殡,随后安葬于圣阿格尼斯坟场。
Conservationists hope by clearing St Agnes and Gugh, the seabird population will be significantly restored.
BBC: Isles of Scilly in rat removal project
The candidates on St Agnes, Tresco and Bryher have all been elected unopposed.
BBC: Election 2013: Isles of Scilly in for fascinating poll
Cornwall Wildlife Trust said both were found on the western shores of St Agnes within days of one another.
BBC: Dead rare dolphin and whale found