释义 |
1 ?核质体 4.核质体(nuclear body):是细菌的遗传物质;决定细菌的遗传性状,是细菌遗传变异的 物质基础。 2 ?核体 关键词:早幼粒细胞白血病蛋白;核体; DNA损伤反应 [gap=1366]Key words: promyelocytic leukemia protein; nuclear body; DNA damage response 3 ?体 ...PML-NB SUMO-1 and PML-NB UMO-1可共价修饰早幼粒细胞白血病(promyelocytic leukemia, PML)蛋白,是后者定位到核体(nuclear body,NB)的前提. 4 ?是后者定位到核体 ...PML-NB SUMO-1 and PML-NB UMO-1可共价修饰早幼粒细胞白血病(promyelocytic leukemia, PML)蛋白,是后者定位到核体(nuclear body,NB)的前提.
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Most crash landings on other planets turn out to actually be crash landings on Earth, rendered unrecognizable by time travel, nuclear war, or a change in body size. 大多数本以为是外行星上的坠机事件,最后发现实际是坠毁在地球上。只不过幸存者因为穿越了时间、身体大小发生变化或者地球上发生了核战争,而认不出已面目全非的地球。 - 2
A new body has been set up to police the nuclear power industry. - 3
Future observations will determine whether this is a planet or a brown dwarf, a gaseous body not big enough to begin the nuclear fusion process that makes stars shine. 进一步观测将会确定这是否是一颗行星,还是一颗褐矮星,即一个不够大,无法开始核聚变反应来发出光芒的气体星体。