释义 |
structure-distribution relationship 结构布局的关系 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?结构 结构-分布关系,结构分布关系 structure-distribution relationship 种间分子氢转移 interspecies h transfer
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We summarized the current investigation about SST and its receptors in its structure, distribution and function, especially its relationship with peptic diseases. 本文就SST及其受体的结构、分布、功能及与消化系统疾病的研究现状作一综述。 - 2
The study is about the characteristics of structure, assemblage of metamorphic rocks and relationship among distribution, assemblage and reaction of minerals. 根据区内构造特点、变质岩共生组合、时空分布、矿物共生组合及其反应关系的研究,揭示了本区变质作用特征。 - 3
The formation, distribution and fault structure of underground thermal water has a close relationship with the Mesozoic granitic magmatic activity. 地下热水的形成和分布与断裂构造及中生代花岗质岩浆活动具有密切关系。